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Under-utilized Tools offered by Gym Management Software Systems

Mon, Mar 23, 2020   |   Tags : Uncategorized

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Signing up to an all-in-one gym management system offers a host of valuable tools to be used during the management and daily operations of running your fitness club. Certain tools you may use daily, such as the 24/7 gym access control, automated billing and membership management functionality, while others you might only use on a weekly or monthly basis–such as your gym reporting and KPIs. Since there is such a long list of functionality offered by a comprehensive gym management system, during the learning process many gym owners opt to focus upon the key features being used regularly and never get around to looking at the others on-offer.

This is akin to having a kitchen full of utensils and only being aware of those used on a regular basis, such as your frying pan, toaster, knives, forks, and fridge–but being entirely unaware of your oven, cake mixer, and spoons. Not only are you missing out on some sweet goodies, but if you one-day decide you want to make a cake, you might unnecessarily go out and purchase these tools when they were at your disposal all along.

To help you get more out of your gym software system, we are going to go over the list of club management tools that are often overlooked and underutilized by gym owners and staff.

The Most Commonly Underutilized Functionality of All-in-1 Gym Management Systems.

Staff Rosters.

Some gym systems feature the ability to track the hours worked by staff by tracking the times which they clock-in and clock-out from work. More intuitive systems also tie this into the same 24/7 access control system which is used to manage access to the facility for you’re your members. Staff are given a key tag, and when entering the facility are required to swipe once for clocking in and twice for clocking out.

Inventory Management and Till Take.

For gym systems with a comprehensive point of sale system (POS), they also take into consideration stock levels of the products you sell - so you know what to order and when. As part of this, they also track the amount of cash that you should have received in your till, making your finances easier to account for.

Billing & Debt Collection Reporting.

A good gym software provider will offer their clients integration with their choice of the billing provider. If your system allows billing automation as part of this, it is important to regularly check billing and debt collection reports to ensure you are receiving the correct amount of income from your clients. If you would like more detail on these reports, check out our post here.

Cross-Platform Integrations

If you use a number of software platforms regularly in the running of your business, making use of integrations offered by your gym management provider can help save you unnecessarily sending data between the two platforms. For example, if you use Mailchimp for newsletters, you might like to integrate MailChimp with your gym system so you don’t have to manually add members to your email lists, and keep these lists up-to-date if you ever go through and update a members contact information. Find a gym system with a comprehensive list of integrations.

Custom Branded Gym Member Apps.

Many clubs can benefit from building a stronger brand for their business. As part of this, one easy way to ensure your business has more exposure to existing members and potential members is by offering a branded gym member app for them to use when scheduling bookings and viewing your class timetable. Click here to learn more about custom-branded member apps.

Whether you are a new user of club management software just learning the ropes, or a long term gym system power-user. Keeping up-to-date on the newest releases for your club management system, what they entail and how you may use the system more effectively is important. Always be sure to view in-app notifications as you receive them, or periodically monitor blog posts for future updates and tips. If you are a user of GymMaster, here is a link to view the latest release details.