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GymMaster & COVID-19: Running your gym remotely using gym management software.

Tue, Mar 24, 2020   |   Tags : COVID-19
gym business in action

Given the rapid spread of COVID-19, governments around the world have begun putting entire cities into lockdown to slow the spread and reduce the strain which the virus is placing upon medical services. This has resulted in around a billion people around the world being confined to their homes, with many of these people continuing to complete their daily tasks through working remotely.

While this shift to working from home is generally more suited to those working from a computer, such as designers, developers or writers, the right cloud-based gym management system can allow your club to take a more hands-off approach to dealing with clients during the pandemic to assist in providing a safe working environment for staff.

Running a club remotely with a cloud-based gym system.

Log in to the cloud based gym management system from any device capable of utilizing a web-browser. If you are working from home you may choose to use your laptop, iPad or phone for this task, GymMaster is a fully responsive gym system allowing all tasks to be completed from any of these devices.

If your club is running an integrated 24/7 gym access control system to manage door access to your club, this can eliminate the need for staff to be situated at the front desk, reducing the risk for infection of both staff and clientele. With an access control system utilizing key fobs, your club is secure against unwanted visitors entering while staff are away. For peace of mind, you may also employ a gym tailgating system to detect whether existing members are allowing unwanted visitors into the facility during unstaffed hours. If you are required to reduce the number of people training at any given time due to government imposed restrictions, you may use the above systems to only allow members to enter the facility if they have a booking to do so, to view a more detailed a guide on this, click here.

Due to efficiencies which all-in-one gym management systems offer, reducing the amount of administrative work required to run the business, these staff could instead be completing other valuable tasks to keep the club running smoothly during this time. Potential tasks include sending communications out to members updating them on what’s happening around the facility, running classes remotely online to members unable to visit the club, or putting time and resources into cleaning equipment.

To allow members to continue to sign-up to the club while staff are working from home or away from the front desk, your club can utilize a gym member portal on your website. This will allow them to sign up to your club from home and from any device with an internet connection, staff will then be able to leave their key tag in a lock-box with a code for them to retrieve it, or mail it out to them.

Click here to learn more about all-in-one cloud-based gym management systems.