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Selling Gift Vouchers with GymMaster To Generate Quick Cash Flow

Tue, Apr 28, 2020   |   Tags : Uncategorized

Gift cards are a pre-purchase of club credit which can be given to friends or family or kept by the member to use at a later date. This makes offering gift cards not only a great way to encourage product sales amongst your members, but also a useful tool for conjuring up some additional income should your business find itself in a position of financial hardship.

For example, if you are strapped for cash and need the business needs a quick income injection, you could offer a limited-time discount on a gift voucher for your gym through your gym management software. For example, you could sell gift vouchers for 10% off, meaning if a member is prepared to give you $90 now you can give them $100 of credit to spend at your club, this benefits both parties as you will get your payment now (when you need it) and they get to save money on things they pay for at your club.

As you can see, having gift cards in your arsenal can be a useful advantage during the challenging times facing many businesses as a result of the circulating pandemic and recession conditions. 

Here’s how to use Gift Cards in GymMaster

Assigning a gift voucher is easy. First, you must open your point of sale system by clicking “Point of Sale” on the left of GymMaster.

screenshot of showing menu items

Then, click “Gift Voucher”

screenshot of POS screen with option Gift Voucher
From here, you are required to enter in details about the voucher. The first of which is its value to be stored in the system, this is the amount of credit which the member will receive and includes tax. Next, enter the voucher code (this can be whatever you like, but it is used by the member when they claim their credit later), its expiry date, and use the comments section to leave any notes for yourself in the future. 

screenshot of modal showing details for voucher
For a regular voucher, you can stop here–Just proceed with the point of sale payment as usual. If you are creating a discounted voucher as discussed earlier, please proceed with the other steps before taking payment and completing the sale. 

screenshot of payment screen
To apply the discount, click the edit button next to your voucher. 

screenshot of cart with edit and delete options

From here, you will be prompted to offer a discount on the product. Enter in the discount you wish to offer, before clicking “save changes”. 

 edit screen for voucher where discount can be added

Now you can proceed with payment and complete the transaction. 

payment and complete trnsaction screen

Viewing Your Vouchers.

Now you have created and sold some vouchers, to view these all you need to do is click.

Settings > Product

screenshot showing settings menu
Click “Voucher Administration”

screenshot of showing all products
As you can see from the image below, the voucher we just created has been added to the list. This page can also show you details on the voucher, such as the remaining credit on the voucher(note this is not the amount that the member paid), as well as the expiry date. 

Voucher administration
Using Vouchers

Once your member has paid for their voucher, they are likely going to want to use it at some point–so it’s probably good for you to learn this as well! When it comes time to use the voucher, all the member needs to do is supply you with the discount code. This is why many clubs print out a voucher and write the code number on it to give the member as a form of physical evidence of their purchase so they can remember their code easier.

At the time of purchase, click “Make Payment” as usual

pos screen

then click “Gift Voucher”

payment modal with different payment options

Enter in the Voucher Code, Then select the amount to pay now.

If there is remaining credit on the gift voucher over and above the value of the transaction, you then just need to assign this to the member’s profile (or create them as a prospect) to use the rest later. You will be prompted to do so if this is required.