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What are the features of a gym management system?

Thu, Aug 4, 2022   |   Tags : Uncategorized Gym Management System
Gym features

Any business with a great management process is bound for success, and the same is especially true for gym enterprises. With the countless things happening inside a gym business, it’s important that every owner and admin stay on top of everything. From properly storing records to billing efficiently to ensuring customer satisfaction—none of these things should be set aside.

Managing a fitness center means putting on more hats than one. It definitely pulls you in different directions on a day-to-day basis. Thankfully, gym management systems now exist to make tending to all these tasks easier and quicker. But in the search for the right gym software for you, we need to answer this question first: what makes a good gym management system?

What are the features of a gym management system?

Online bookings

A good gym management system allows members to book classes directly from the member’s app or your gym’s website. This feature gives freedom to your members to make that booking anytime and anywhere. It also removes the need for your admin to manually take calls and book each client.

Scheduling management

Regardless of how many trainers, facilities, or workout classes you have, a great gym management system should be flexible enough to handle all of the bookings effectively and flawlessly. It should have an easy-to-use calendar that makes it incredibly easy for the staff to understand and adjust as needed.

Member’s app

A member’s app is a must if you want to be ahead of your game. Having one almost instantly elevates any member’s experience. New clients will not only have the luxury of signing up at their own convenience but will also give them a grasp of the available services in your club.

Members can also do a myriad of things wherever they are such as book classes & services, view their timetable, cancel a booking, join waitlists, and update personal details.

Staff app

An ideal gym management system doesn’t only have an app for members but for the staff as well. This lets you and your staff access any information and function you need wherever you are, making it a lot easier to run your club.

A staff app lets you view vital data on the go such as key performance indicators (KPIs), member profiles, real-time gym visitors, bookings, and classes. It also allows staff to execute some tasks such as opening doors for members through remote access control and sending template emails or SMS to certain groups or members.

Reporting and KPIs

For any business to thrive, performance indicators should be readily available. You have to check your gym’s performance to give you directions on which next step to take as an entrepreneur. A gym software should have the ability to report profitability analysis, reach & frequency for brand awareness, customer satisfaction, engagement metrics, and other important outcome measures. These data sets will be of great help to you in ensuring that you’re always on top of your game.


A gym management system should make collecting payments easier for you. One of the useful features you should look out for is automated billing. It should help your staff send out billing without the admin timesink. Also, your members are more likely to pay on time if you make it quick and easy for them to do so.

Automated direct debits and recurring payments reduce the hassle of paying manually. You can also set the system to automatically send out reminders to ensure that your members won’t forget to make their payments.

Membership management

Having effective and organized membership management processes in place is the key to gym success. A member screen is a great feature that gives you all of the member information you need such as account status, account details, billing information, and communication history.

You can also perform important membership tasks such as tracking every member’s progress, membership organization and recording your clients’ programs.

Access control

Another important feature is the gym access system which gives you control over who has access to your gym and to the specific facilities inside it. This gives you freedom to create various membership plans with varying access inclusions.

Moreover, a 24/7 access control takes away the need for staff to be at the front desk all the time. Your members can easily enter your gym using the RFID + Bluetooth-capable doors or they may even unlock doors in your gym through their member’s app. This will definitely save you costs while boosting customer experience.


It’s one thing for a gym management system to offer all these features and it’s another to execute everything well. It’s also important that gym software offers the flexibility your gym needs to allow you to run it however you see fit.

Click here to learn more about the flexible gym management system that makes streamlining your business easy.